Wednesday, May 28, 2008


My Memorial Day Weekend was filled with excitement. My pool was finally finished, so I had family over to spend the day swimming and barbequing. The same night that my cousins came over to enjoy the holiday, I had a Sweet Sixteen. Before this day though, my break was not that great. The weather was rainy and cold, so I spent most of my time inside. I watched two movies this break; The Lake House and Alpha Dog. Even though they were extremely different, both movies were really good. I had a sleepover with Lauren where we wrote our thank you notes from our sweet sixteen; it was tortuous. My last night of break was uneventful, but still I had a good time. A few girls and I went to my friend Audrey’s house, where we talked and practically ate her entire house. Even though nothing except the sweet sixteen happened worth remember, my break was fun and relaxing.

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