Wednesday, May 7, 2008

BOOK REVIEW RESEARCH!--with bibliography and summary

Bibliography: Hower, Edward. "The Servant." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. New
York. The New York Times. Aug.-Sept. 2007. The New York Times. 6 May 2008
Summary: In this review, found in the New York Times, it summarizes the book by giving a bland description of what the book is about. Within each description, Edward Hower tells what he thinks the main idea of the book is. He believe that the main theme and idea is that we get a “ vivid and engaging story that reminds us how long people have been struggling to triumph over the forces of violence.”

Bibliography: Memmott, Carol. "Book Buzz." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. USA.
31 May 2007. USA TODAY. ProQuest. Pascack Hills HS Lib., Montvale NJ. 6 May
2008 .
Summary: Within this review, it also gives a brief summary of the book and it gives the numbers on how the book sold. Carol Memmott seems to believe that most people thought that The Kite Runner had a slow start, but once the climax began, so did the readers attention.

Bibliography: Ciabattari, Jane. "Book Review." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini.
Los Angles, California. 24 May 2007. USA TODAY. ProQuest. Pascack Hills HS
Lib., Montvale NJ. 6 May 2008 pqdweb?index=6&did=1274274791&SrchMode=1&sid=3&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309
Summary: After reading The Kite Runner, Jane Ciabattari said that it would stay with her for her life because Hoseini’s storytelling is a gift. She loves the “sweep of historic upheavals narrated with the intimacy of family and village life.”

Bibliography: Whyatt, Edward. "Wrenching Tale by an Afghan Immigrant Strikes a Chord." The New
York Times. Vers. pg, E.1. 15 Dec. 2004. The New York Times. 6 May 2008
Summary: This source not only says what the novel is about, but it also shows how Edward Whyatt believes how Hosseini got his ideas for The Kite Runner. Whyatt had nothing negative to say about this novel.
Bibliography: Pevere, Geoff. "Kite Runner brezes along with little flair." news.therecord. 11 Jan. 2008. The Record. 6 May 2008 293605>.
Summary: This descriptive Review explains how Geof Pevere got convinced to read the book. He claims that the book is even better then the movie, but it wasn’t until the movie that he considered reading the book. He claimed that the movie did not do the book its justice because the book was truly phenomenal.

Bibliography: Italie, Hitlel. "Penguin Groups enjoys run of paperback sensations." The Record. 10 Apr. 2008. The Record. 6 May 2008 334925>.
Summary: This review is about the Penguin’s opinion. They pointed out just a few books about what they thought were the best this year so far. Even though this book was more of a hit last year, they still think that The Kite Runner was a huge success.

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