Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Annotated Bibliography practice

Sholar, Allison. "History of Montana." The early History of Montana. By Allison
Sholar. Ed. Greg Lynar. Montana: Great Neck Publishing, 1999. Rpt. of "The
Early History of Montana." Montana Issue Aug. 1999: Page 7. Ebsco. 2008.
MasterFILE premier. 29 Apr. 2008 detail?vid=4&hid=12&sid=acfa3818-f8b4-49cb-a43d-5704a6e7ceb2%40sessionmgr104>.
Written by Allison Sholar and edited by Greg Lynar from the Parkview
Baptist School in Louisiana use laws of science and stories being passed on
to perfectly describe what Old Montana was like. They say that old Montana
is what new Montana is based off of. The people living there, as said from
this article, have similar beliefs but technology has advanced their lives
a small amount. Published in the Montana issue in 1999, ancient, old, and
somewhat recent Montana was described giving its readers a good explanation
of people’s lives living in that area.

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