Thursday, April 10, 2008


Standards for women have changed as time has progressed. Women started with no power (click here to see more about women gaining power as time went on!),.but eventually gained respect. Are people like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan responsible for the lack of respect women have been getting within the past two years? Can a few people set the reputation for how females act through out the world? Women in the old ages worked so hard to move up socially and politically, but recently it seems as though all those women worked so hard for nothing. Apparently, the standers for women have gotten lower because only those that make mistakes seem to stand out; the ones that make a positive difference are just lost in the crowd. There are other types of women too that show their power in a different way.
Some females try to make a huge point that women deserve respect and power. A perfect example of this is Lady Macbeth, but she does not show her power in a positive way. She is extremely secretive about what she wants and manipulates others into getting it for her. She tricked Macbeth into believing he was a coward when he first said he would not kill King Dunkin. Later, Lady Macbeth made him feel un-superior, causing him to alter his opinion and murder the king. Feminism is a term many use to describe female behavior, but for each woman, the behavior is different. Feminism can not be defined by Lady Macbeth, or Lindsay Lohan. It is a term that does not have a single definition.

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