Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Memorial Day Weekend was filled with excitement. My pool was finally finished, so I had family over to spend the day swimming and barbequing. The same night that my cousins came over to enjoy the holiday, I had a Sweet Sixteen. Before this day though, my break was not that great. The weather was rainy and cold, so I spent most of my time inside. I watched two movies this break; The Lake House and Alpha Dog. Even though they were extremely different, both movies were really good. I had a sleepover with Lauren where we wrote our thank you notes from our sweet sixteen; it was tortuous. My last night of break was uneventful, but still I had a good time. A few girls and I went to my friend Audrey’s house, where we talked and practically ate her entire house. Even though nothing except the sweet sixteen happened worth remember, my break was fun and relaxing.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What is the question you are answering in your own words?
I am switching a book that we read this year, with a book that was not in the curriculum. By stating the themes and why my book is overall a better choice for the students, I will explain why we should also eliminate a book that we did read over this year. In three to five pages, I will convince the curriculum committee that my book is a better choice then the one that they had picked for this past year.
What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction.
The book The House on Mango Street needs to be replaced in our curriculum, for it lacks strong literature qualities and is without historical background. Taking its place should be The Kite Runner, because while The House On Mango Street fails to show these qualities, The Kite Runner provides good literature and history; this makes reading better for students our age.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The House on Mango Street lacks good literature
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The Kite Runner provides good literature
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “ I was the monster. I was the one grabbing onto Hassan and dragging him deep down into the water”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. The title in itself is a huge metaphor
b. There are several metaphors through out the story, which compare the main character, Amir, to monsters.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The House on Mango Street lacks history or any informative background
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The Kite Runner provides history, which is important for students to learn especially because we don’t really learn about Afghanistan while in history class.
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “ It was after the holy holiday of Ramadan and everyone gathered in our backyard for the ceremony…”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Throughout the book, Amir refers to his customs and how Afghanistan has changed throughout the year. He tells us about the social ladder, and about Hazaras and Shi’s, which are just two of the many types of Afghans.
What should we now understand after reading your paper? Where idea(s) does your paper lead to?
A. Mango Street lacks literature and history within its story when The Kite Runner gives interesting information about the customs. The use of metaphors and similes also makes the novel more interesting. Reading the Kite Runner is like solving a puzzle because you have to put all the pieces together. Mango Street is just written and is not challenging enough for students our age.
I am switching a book that we read this year, with a book that was not in the curriculum. By stating the themes and why my book is overall a better choice for the students, I will explain why we should also eliminate a book that we did read over this year. In three to five pages, I will convince the curriculum committee that my book is a better choice then the one that they had picked for this past year.
What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction.
The book The House on Mango Street needs to be replaced in our curriculum, for it lacks strong literature qualities and is without historical background. Taking its place should be The Kite Runner, because while The House On Mango Street fails to show these qualities, The Kite Runner provides good literature and history; this makes reading better for students our age.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The House on Mango Street lacks good literature
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The Kite Runner provides good literature
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “ I was the monster. I was the one grabbing onto Hassan and dragging him deep down into the water”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. The title in itself is a huge metaphor
b. There are several metaphors through out the story, which compare the main character, Amir, to monsters.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The House on Mango Street lacks history or any informative background
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
The Kite Runner provides history, which is important for students to learn especially because we don’t really learn about Afghanistan while in history class.
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “ It was after the holy holiday of Ramadan and everyone gathered in our backyard for the ceremony…”
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Throughout the book, Amir refers to his customs and how Afghanistan has changed throughout the year. He tells us about the social ladder, and about Hazaras and Shi’s, which are just two of the many types of Afghans.
What should we now understand after reading your paper? Where idea(s) does your paper lead to?
A. Mango Street lacks literature and history within its story when The Kite Runner gives interesting information about the customs. The use of metaphors and similes also makes the novel more interesting. Reading the Kite Runner is like solving a puzzle because you have to put all the pieces together. Mango Street is just written and is not challenging enough for students our age.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
CORNELL NOTES for sources
TITLE: Kite Runner Breezes Along With Little Flair
AUTHOR: Geoff Pevere
Main Idea #1: The movie version of The Kite Runner was nothing compared to the book itself
Summary: Geoff Pevere received the Kite Runner as a gift in the book version after he had watched the movie. From word of mouth he was sure that the book would be better but he made this assumption before actually reading it himself. He called the movie “uneventful” but said he could just imagine the suspense in the book being stronger. He said a picture is worth a thousand words, so obviously the words must have been strong and worth it to write a movie out of it.
Quote: “Sometimes it pays to be reminded just how many pictures a well-chosen word is actually worth.”
Question: How can you say that the movie is worse then the book considering you have yet to read the book?
How will this source help you write your paper? Throughout the year, we have read book while watching movies and from watching the movies while reading, it gives us a completely different perspective of the book.
TITLE: Pulled by the past
AUTHOR: David Kipen
Main Idea #1: The novel has a great source of literature; even the title in itself is a metaphor.
Summary: David Kipen goes into detail about Khaled Hosseini’s use of literature in his novel. The entire story in itself is one metaphor. This metaphor is a kite fight because in these fights, fighters are doing all they can to take over the sky and to do this, they eliminate all their opponents. Kipen agrees with many others that The Kite Runner, without seeing the movie, provides images in your head that compare the situations in the book to live situations that we all might encounter. He says that It benefits the reader if they did not grow up in Afghanistan to read it because it shows us exactly what it was like.
Quote: “Behind the title of first novelist Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" lurks a metaphor so apt and evocative…”
Question: Could it possibly be to TOO challenging with all of the metaphors. Would the average student have a difficult time understanding all of the hidden meaning?
How will this source help you write your paper? In our school, the board is always looking to enhance our literature with difficult terms that are hard to comprehend. This book would provide a great source of literature for all students. Even though it would be challenging, it would benefit the students.
TITLE: An Afghan’s battle with the past
AUTHOR: Kenneth Champeon
Main Idea #1: The Kite Runner teaches history of Afghanistan
Summary: This article talks all about how the history of the novel makes it more enjoyable. Considering nine eleven is somewhat recent, we all have our strong views on Afghanistan. This article shows how Afghanistan is a struggling country and by giving us the feel of the environment, we not only learn more about the main characters, but also how they survive with their surroundings.
Quote: “Although the book can sometimes be melodramatic and garrulous, it provides an extraordinary perspective on the struggles of a country that, until that doleful September day, had been for too long ignored or misunderstood. And despite its grimmer episodes, the novel ends with a note of optimism about Afghanistan's future, an optimism that the whole world would prefer to see unspoiled.”
Question: From reading the first several chapters, it is difficult to understand exactly how their lives work. Can knowing more about Afghanistan customs make the book more challenging that its almost too challenging.
How will this source help you write your paper? It is important for books to teach us not only with their themes and enhance our reading comprehension, but to teach us about the history of our world. The Kite Runner does this efficiently because it shows a young boys battle against his country, Afghanistan.
AUTHOR: Geoff Pevere
Main Idea #1: The movie version of The Kite Runner was nothing compared to the book itself
Summary: Geoff Pevere received the Kite Runner as a gift in the book version after he had watched the movie. From word of mouth he was sure that the book would be better but he made this assumption before actually reading it himself. He called the movie “uneventful” but said he could just imagine the suspense in the book being stronger. He said a picture is worth a thousand words, so obviously the words must have been strong and worth it to write a movie out of it.
Quote: “Sometimes it pays to be reminded just how many pictures a well-chosen word is actually worth.”
Question: How can you say that the movie is worse then the book considering you have yet to read the book?
How will this source help you write your paper? Throughout the year, we have read book while watching movies and from watching the movies while reading, it gives us a completely different perspective of the book.
TITLE: Pulled by the past
AUTHOR: David Kipen
Main Idea #1: The novel has a great source of literature; even the title in itself is a metaphor.
Summary: David Kipen goes into detail about Khaled Hosseini’s use of literature in his novel. The entire story in itself is one metaphor. This metaphor is a kite fight because in these fights, fighters are doing all they can to take over the sky and to do this, they eliminate all their opponents. Kipen agrees with many others that The Kite Runner, without seeing the movie, provides images in your head that compare the situations in the book to live situations that we all might encounter. He says that It benefits the reader if they did not grow up in Afghanistan to read it because it shows us exactly what it was like.
Quote: “Behind the title of first novelist Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" lurks a metaphor so apt and evocative…”
Question: Could it possibly be to TOO challenging with all of the metaphors. Would the average student have a difficult time understanding all of the hidden meaning?
How will this source help you write your paper? In our school, the board is always looking to enhance our literature with difficult terms that are hard to comprehend. This book would provide a great source of literature for all students. Even though it would be challenging, it would benefit the students.
TITLE: An Afghan’s battle with the past
AUTHOR: Kenneth Champeon
Main Idea #1: The Kite Runner teaches history of Afghanistan
Summary: This article talks all about how the history of the novel makes it more enjoyable. Considering nine eleven is somewhat recent, we all have our strong views on Afghanistan. This article shows how Afghanistan is a struggling country and by giving us the feel of the environment, we not only learn more about the main characters, but also how they survive with their surroundings.
Quote: “Although the book can sometimes be melodramatic and garrulous, it provides an extraordinary perspective on the struggles of a country that, until that doleful September day, had been for too long ignored or misunderstood. And despite its grimmer episodes, the novel ends with a note of optimism about Afghanistan's future, an optimism that the whole world would prefer to see unspoiled.”
Question: From reading the first several chapters, it is difficult to understand exactly how their lives work. Can knowing more about Afghanistan customs make the book more challenging that its almost too challenging.
How will this source help you write your paper? It is important for books to teach us not only with their themes and enhance our reading comprehension, but to teach us about the history of our world. The Kite Runner does this efficiently because it shows a young boys battle against his country, Afghanistan.
Monday, May 12, 2008
socratic seminar notes
Nicole thought it was a great twist and surprising ending. She thought it was good
Brent agreed with her he said it also was great that it ha an epilogue and an afterwards which summed up everything well.
Mariana thought it was the best ending that we has so far because ewe had closure
Brent thinks that there should have been more information. He wanted Dave to go into the basement to give us an understanding of how he is and how he’s feeling.
They all agreed that it would have been better if they went down throughout the entire story because it would have made the middle of the book better but the ending would have been less of a surprise
Dan thought that Macbeth related to this book in the suspense ways.
Nicole thought that it related to The Catcher in the Rye because of the parents expectations
Bret also agreed with Nicole because he said David was also, like Torey, trying to find his place in society.
Lauren thinks it was the right choice because its time they move on and even thought they shouldn’t forget about the past, it shouldn’t have to haunt them
Nicole thinks that as time moves on, there are more changes and he wants to teach the children how it use to be with discrimination with Indians
Nicole thought it was a great twist and surprising ending. She thought it was good
Brent agreed with her he said it also was great that it ha an epilogue and an afterwards which summed up everything well.
Mariana thought it was the best ending that we has so far because ewe had closure
Brent thinks that there should have been more information. He wanted Dave to go into the basement to give us an understanding of how he is and how he’s feeling.
They all agreed that it would have been better if they went down throughout the entire story because it would have made the middle of the book better but the ending would have been less of a surprise
Dan thought that Macbeth related to this book in the suspense ways.
Nicole thought that it related to The Catcher in the Rye because of the parents expectations
Bret also agreed with Nicole because he said David was also, like Torey, trying to find his place in society.
Lauren thinks it was the right choice because its time they move on and even thought they shouldn’t forget about the past, it shouldn’t have to haunt them
Nicole thinks that as time moves on, there are more changes and he wants to teach the children how it use to be with discrimination with Indians
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
BOOK REVIEW RESEARCH!--with bibliography and summary
Bibliography: Hower, Edward. "The Servant." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. New
York. The New York Times. Aug.-Sept. 2007. The New York Times. 6 May 2008
Summary: In this review, found in the New York Times, it summarizes the book by giving a bland description of what the book is about. Within each description, Edward Hower tells what he thinks the main idea of the book is. He believe that the main theme and idea is that we get a “ vivid and engaging story that reminds us how long people have been struggling to triumph over the forces of violence.”
Bibliography: Memmott, Carol. "Book Buzz." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. USA.
31 May 2007. USA TODAY. ProQuest. Pascack Hills HS Lib., Montvale NJ. 6 May
Summary: Within this review, it also gives a brief summary of the book and it gives the numbers on how the book sold. Carol Memmott seems to believe that most people thought that The Kite Runner had a slow start, but once the climax began, so did the readers attention.
Bibliography: Ciabattari, Jane. "Book Review." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini.
Los Angles, California. 24 May 2007. USA TODAY. ProQuest. Pascack Hills HS
Lib., Montvale NJ. 6 May 2008 pqdweb?index=6&did=1274274791&SrchMode=1&sid=3&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309
Summary: After reading The Kite Runner, Jane Ciabattari said that it would stay with her for her life because Hoseini’s storytelling is a gift. She loves the “sweep of historic upheavals narrated with the intimacy of family and village life.”
Bibliography: Whyatt, Edward. "Wrenching Tale by an Afghan Immigrant Strikes a Chord." The New
York Times. Vers. pg, E.1. 15 Dec. 2004. The New York Times. 6 May 2008
Summary: This source not only says what the novel is about, but it also shows how Edward Whyatt believes how Hosseini got his ideas for The Kite Runner. Whyatt had nothing negative to say about this novel.
Bibliography: Pevere, Geoff. "Kite Runner brezes along with little flair." news.therecord. 11 Jan. 2008. The Record. 6 May 2008 293605>.
Summary: This descriptive Review explains how Geof Pevere got convinced to read the book. He claims that the book is even better then the movie, but it wasn’t until the movie that he considered reading the book. He claimed that the movie did not do the book its justice because the book was truly phenomenal.
Bibliography: Italie, Hitlel. "Penguin Groups enjoys run of paperback sensations." The Record. 10 Apr. 2008. The Record. 6 May 2008 334925>.
Summary: This review is about the Penguin’s opinion. They pointed out just a few books about what they thought were the best this year so far. Even though this book was more of a hit last year, they still think that The Kite Runner was a huge success.
Bibliography: Hower, Edward. "The Servant." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. New
York. The New York Times. Aug.-Sept. 2007. The New York Times. 6 May 2008
Summary: In this review, found in the New York Times, it summarizes the book by giving a bland description of what the book is about. Within each description, Edward Hower tells what he thinks the main idea of the book is. He believe that the main theme and idea is that we get a “ vivid and engaging story that reminds us how long people have been struggling to triumph over the forces of violence.”
Bibliography: Memmott, Carol. "Book Buzz." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. USA.
31 May 2007. USA TODAY. ProQuest. Pascack Hills HS Lib., Montvale NJ. 6 May
Summary: Within this review, it also gives a brief summary of the book and it gives the numbers on how the book sold. Carol Memmott seems to believe that most people thought that The Kite Runner had a slow start, but once the climax began, so did the readers attention.
Bibliography: Ciabattari, Jane. "Book Review." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini.
Los Angles, California. 24 May 2007. USA TODAY. ProQuest. Pascack Hills HS
Lib., Montvale NJ. 6 May 2008
Summary: After reading The Kite Runner, Jane Ciabattari said that it would stay with her for her life because Hoseini’s storytelling is a gift. She loves the “sweep of historic upheavals narrated with the intimacy of family and village life.”
Bibliography: Whyatt, Edward. "Wrenching Tale by an Afghan Immigrant Strikes a Chord." The New
York Times. Vers. pg, E.1. 15 Dec. 2004. The New York Times. 6 May 2008
Summary: This source not only says what the novel is about, but it also shows how Edward Whyatt believes how Hosseini got his ideas for The Kite Runner. Whyatt had nothing negative to say about this novel.
Bibliography: Pevere, Geoff. "Kite Runner brezes along with little flair." news.therecord. 11 Jan. 2008. The Record. 6 May 2008
Summary: This descriptive Review explains how Geof Pevere got convinced to read the book. He claims that the book is even better then the movie, but it wasn’t until the movie that he considered reading the book. He claimed that the movie did not do the book its justice because the book was truly phenomenal.
Bibliography: Italie, Hitlel. "Penguin Groups enjoys run of paperback sensations." The Record. 10 Apr. 2008. The Record. 6 May 2008
Summary: This review is about the Penguin’s opinion. They pointed out just a few books about what they thought were the best this year so far. Even though this book was more of a hit last year, they still think that The Kite Runner was a huge success.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
It is normal for siblings to have constant, meaningless arguments that never seem to end, but the rivalry between Wes and Frank isn’t the typical arguing. Wes and Frank clearly have been compared to each other at so many occasions that Wes seems to not be affected anymore. In part one of Montana, Larry Watson shows the difference in the standards between each son. Frank is worshiped for being “ a great war hero” while Wes just ignores the entire thing. Usually, siblings will be happy for each other when they are recognized, but when it is the siblings father only recognizing one son constantly, hidden jealousy occurs. Wes pretends to ignore the entire situation when it is obvious that he feels neglected; Wes SHOULD feel this way. It isn’t normal for a father to noticeably favor one son over the other, and the fact that Wes has learned to ignore it and deal with it says too much. It says he is so used to the feeling of being less then Frank in his fathers eyes.
There are ways to deal with sibling rivalry that don’t make you weak but make you stronger as a sibling and as a person. Wes, from Montana 1948, doesn’t understand that these tactics do exist, so instead he discards them. One example of how he can start changing his behavior in these situations is using his jealousy as motivation (Henry, 2088). Siblings Olympia and Keishana had academic competition. Although Keishana was doing better in school, Olympia used her jealousy over that to try harder and excel more. Wes has an issue because when he should use his bad relationship with his brother as motivation, he uses it as a weakness. Wes doesn’t know how to handle his envy of his brother properly. Another way to deal with it is talk to his father. Instead of keeping it bottled up inside of him, he should express how he feels. Seeking adult guidance will “ help resolve a problem between bickering siblings… your parents were once your age and likely fought with their brothers and sisters... prepare to compromise if your parents get involved” (Henry, 2008). Although Wes is an adult and may think he can handle the situation on his own, talking to his father would only make his dad aware of how he feels. If Wes were to change how he reacts towards his sibling and deal with it in a more mature way, things would chance and the jealousy would possibly be resolved.
All siblings’ fight, but not all siblings handle the situations in similar manners. After doing this research and reading the first section of Montana 1948, it shows what Wes, from the book, is doing wrong and how to handle it better. It is so obvious that Frank is worshiped by their father at a completely different level then Wes; after doing the research it came clear that Wes should approach his father about the situation. His father might not realize how sever the issue is, but instead Wes just hides his feelings which is not the right way to go. Wes should explain how he feels and if not, he should use his jealousy as motivation. He is going about everything all wrong and his jealousy for his brother is only making him feel week. I understand now that how I fight with my siblings does not even compare to how Wes and Frank secretively despise each other. If I were to read these two paragraphs to Wes, I believe he would get the point that he’s competing with his brother in the wrong way; Wes should use his brother’s successes as a driving force to make his own successes.
There are ways to deal with sibling rivalry that don’t make you weak but make you stronger as a sibling and as a person. Wes, from Montana 1948, doesn’t understand that these tactics do exist, so instead he discards them. One example of how he can start changing his behavior in these situations is using his jealousy as motivation (Henry, 2088). Siblings Olympia and Keishana had academic competition. Although Keishana was doing better in school, Olympia used her jealousy over that to try harder and excel more. Wes has an issue because when he should use his bad relationship with his brother as motivation, he uses it as a weakness. Wes doesn’t know how to handle his envy of his brother properly. Another way to deal with it is talk to his father. Instead of keeping it bottled up inside of him, he should express how he feels. Seeking adult guidance will “ help resolve a problem between bickering siblings… your parents were once your age and likely fought with their brothers and sisters... prepare to compromise if your parents get involved” (Henry, 2008). Although Wes is an adult and may think he can handle the situation on his own, talking to his father would only make his dad aware of how he feels. If Wes were to change how he reacts towards his sibling and deal with it in a more mature way, things would chance and the jealousy would possibly be resolved.
All siblings’ fight, but not all siblings handle the situations in similar manners. After doing this research and reading the first section of Montana 1948, it shows what Wes, from the book, is doing wrong and how to handle it better. It is so obvious that Frank is worshiped by their father at a completely different level then Wes; after doing the research it came clear that Wes should approach his father about the situation. His father might not realize how sever the issue is, but instead Wes just hides his feelings which is not the right way to go. Wes should explain how he feels and if not, he should use his jealousy as motivation. He is going about everything all wrong and his jealousy for his brother is only making him feel week. I understand now that how I fight with my siblings does not even compare to how Wes and Frank secretively despise each other. If I were to read these two paragraphs to Wes, I believe he would get the point that he’s competing with his brother in the wrong way; Wes should use his brother’s successes as a driving force to make his own successes.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Annotated Bibliography practice
Sholar, Allison. "History of Montana." The early History of Montana. By Allison
Sholar. Ed. Greg Lynar. Montana: Great Neck Publishing, 1999. Rpt. of "The
Early History of Montana." Montana Issue Aug. 1999: Page 7. Ebsco. 2008.
MasterFILE premier. 29 Apr. 2008 detail?vid=4&hid=12&sid=acfa3818-f8b4-49cb-a43d-5704a6e7ceb2%40sessionmgr104>.
Written by Allison Sholar and edited by Greg Lynar from the Parkview
Baptist School in Louisiana use laws of science and stories being passed on
to perfectly describe what Old Montana was like. They say that old Montana
is what new Montana is based off of. The people living there, as said from
this article, have similar beliefs but technology has advanced their lives
a small amount. Published in the Montana issue in 1999, ancient, old, and
somewhat recent Montana was described giving its readers a good explanation
of people’s lives living in that area.
Sholar. Ed. Greg Lynar. Montana: Great Neck Publishing, 1999. Rpt. of "The
Early History of Montana." Montana Issue Aug. 1999: Page 7. Ebsco. 2008.
MasterFILE premier. 29 Apr. 2008
Written by Allison Sholar and edited by Greg Lynar from the Parkview
Baptist School in Louisiana use laws of science and stories being passed on
to perfectly describe what Old Montana was like. They say that old Montana
is what new Montana is based off of. The people living there, as said from
this article, have similar beliefs but technology has advanced their lives
a small amount. Published in the Montana issue in 1999, ancient, old, and
somewhat recent Montana was described giving its readers a good explanation
of people’s lives living in that area.
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